Turn Cold "Break Your Faith" <REVIEW>

I really need to stop eating before bed. Turn Cold is a 4-piece crossover thrash metal band from the town of COVID Quarantine, and I mean that in every sense of the word. These guys formed in Quarantine, and now they’re here to talk about it… and possibly melt your face like marshmallows over a flame thrower. Now if you’ve seen previous videos of mine, you know by now I have a particular love/hate relationship with the thrash metal genre. I don’t think Thrash metal sucks (afterall some of the best metal bands many can name come from that style), but for the most part it can be classified as dated bar rock that’s heavier than AC/DC and somehow allows idiots to write lyrics (don’t @ me). Granted the genre has lasted over 40 years due to its staying power because some bands have made the right choice to reinvent the wheel and bring on a new twist to it. Other on the other hand, just copy what worked and hope for the best with little to no creative identity other than a shitty high pitched nasally voice.
But okay, Turn Cold just formed and just released their debut EP Break Your Faith. So it’s possible I’m overthinking this. Afterall, like I said, thrash metal (when done right) can create a powerful, visceral and razer sharp sound that is uniquely their own.. It’s possible they can do that here! Granted, with their influences being Metallica, Slayer and Cro-mags (while good influences) doesn’t bode well for that argument. BUT HEY! My job is to make a dumb-ass assumption and prey to the elder gods I’m wrong. Can that happen here with this album?
Well check out the video below to find out.
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