Angelic Desolation "Quorum Of Unspeakable Curses" <REVIEW>

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This review was voted for by YOU! No seriously, I put up a poll on Twitter so that I get to be lazy. I didn’t give any names, just vague descriptions of what we’d be talking about. And of the 4 albums I had lined up, without saying who they were, 3 out of 3 people chose “Metal w/ no clear genre”, which surprise! It was this one! If you want to decide the next video review, I’ve got another one up right now for you to check out, that’ll be going on through the rest of the weekend, so make sure you vote while you can! @themetalrobot on Twitter, as well as Facebook.

That out of the way, let’s talk about Angelic Desolation, a band from Denver, Colorado. When I said these guys don’t have a clear genre attached, I meant it. When digging into the bands back catalogue, that is the vibe I was getting upon first listen. There are clear influences that can be pinpointed though; early thrash, modern death metal and grind music are the first ones that came to mind when listening to the band’s debut EP Evilgasm which I’m pretty sure is what Nergal calls his orgies. But aside from that, the compositions of each song off that EP were hard to pin down as anything specific. So much so that even the band caught onto this, and just calls it “American Razorgrind”. [BECAUSE THE METAL MUSICAL UNIVERSE WASN’T COMPLICATED ALREADY!!]. So getting into what we’re to expect with the band’s recent EP Quorum of Unspeakable Curses, we should be expecting something similar, and hopefully get an answer to what they sound like. Check out the video below or click here to find out how it goes


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