Apocalyptica "Cell-0" <REVIEW>
“… A sweeping suite of heart warming strings with bombast intentions…”
Because this is the classiest of hard hitting music pieces to grace my front yard, I’m going to be writing the remainder of this journalistic piece as if I was an offensively typical Englishman. But wait, the band is Finnish, not English… shit. Apocalyptica is a Finnish 4-piece symphonic metal band who’s main (can I call it a gimmick) is that their heavy music is created purely with Celli. Which sounds like it shouldn’t work on paper, having classically trained cellists make metal music. But 20 plus years later and it has been working well for them. Millions of followers world-wide, and 8 critically acclaimed albums under their belt. Well now they have Cell-0 (the puns). Will we be able to turn that 8 into a 9? Well, let’s not waste too much time, and let’s get straight into it.
Okay, first and foremost, once again the band prove that heavy metal music can be played with just about anything if you try hard enough. When “Ashes of the Modern World” starts, it places you into a false sense of security as the celli build in volume and the drums begin to pound. And then everything just clashes together, and from then on, you’re bombarded with a sweeping suite of well played and well executed cello arrangements. On my first listen, I was legit shocked that it was all being done with a cello (aside from the drums of course, because that would be another 20,000 brain math problems to solve to figure THAT whole thing out), and it’s performed and written by metal heads. Continuing onward I began to understand why this band works so well for many metal heads. Because at first it’s hard to tell what it would be. It’s an instrumental band with no vocalist (except for one album), and they perform all their songs with non metal instruments. But once “Rise”, “Call My Name” and the epic 10-minute suite of the title track come on, it becomes clear. Metal heads… LOVE Lord of the Rings.
No I’m not joking. A lot of this album within the first 30 minutes no less, can easily be set to an epic good versus evil fight in a medieval fantasy world like LOTR. The title track ALONE sounds like it would set “The Battle of Isengard” with how exquisitely it paints a picture of death and destruction. “Fire & Ice” displays a battlefield full of fallen warriors, a battle lost by the forces of good, but is a reminder that hope isn’t lost. “Scream For the Silent” paints a similar picture. All of these songs guided through the movements by their prowess, but held together by the drum work. The drums (in my opinion) are the main element holding this music to a metal soundscape, especially on “Ashes of the Modern World”. All of this proves the point that most people don’t understand when walking into an Apocalyptica album. And that is that you don’t need a vocalist to make amazing metal music.
But at the end of the day, that’s where those people are at. I’ve heard some people complain at the fact that this band doesn’t have a vocalist (except for when they do), and to that I say… Nickelback is still making music, go bug them with your problems. Apocalyptica is a band that can exceed those expectations and storm your soul like an army of warriors and claim victory over the day. The album does have a couple sore spots though, nothing big, but worth addressing. For one thing, some of the songs closer to the end of the record aren’t as unique as the rest. I mentioned earlier that one of the songs had a similar feeling and painting to another one? Yeah that happens more than once on Cell-0. It’s not a bad thing, after all, the sonic scope is unique on it’s own, but listening through a 54 minute album with a few repeats can get old after a bit. Another thing that might be a good thing for Apocalyptica fans but maybe not for any uninitiated, is that this isn’t that much different from previous albums. If you wren’t able to get on board with Reflections or Worlds Collide, this isn’t gonna turn you over.
Anything by Apocalyptica is something of a spectacle. They don’t come around often, but when they do they always have something to offer up. Cell-0 is no exception. Crushing riffs, tasty leads, blood pumping drums, and all of this without the use of a guitar or bass. It’s an album that metal heads and classical aficionados can get into and enjoy together. A sweeping suite of heart warming strings with bombast intentions, Cell-0 is an album that tugs at the heart, while leaving a sweet taste of epic adventure in your mouth. While it’s nothing new for Apocalyptica, nobody else is doing anything like what they’re doing and succeeding in so many different areas. Pick up your Cell-0, and prepare for a ride.
… because I’ve been pronouncing it {Cell OH} this entire time, and NONE OF YOU NOTICED BECAUSE IT’S IN THE WRITTEN FORM! MWAHAHAHA!
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