Lindsay Schoolcraft releases exclusive Patreon only song "Eternal Exile" with Dalai Cellai


Juno nominated singer/songwriter Lindsay Schoolcraft (Antiqva) has released "Eternal Exile" exclusively to her Patreon. The song features her fellow Antiqva bandmate, cellist Dalai Cellai.

Lindsay commented: “Patreon has allowed us artists and musicians show a different side of our creativity. If we want to put out an instrumental track, we just can! I have put together this performance with Dalai of Antiqva whom I also write music with in that band. We hope to collaborate much more on pieces like this in the future!”

If you want to hear the song, you’ll need to join LInday’s Patreon page HERE.

Check out Lindsay Schoolcraft!

Check out Dalai Cellai

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