1000 Bone Cylinder Explosion streaming new album!

Seriously, the name alone is awesome. I don’t care what style of music these guys are creative, if your band is called “1000 Bone Cylinder Explosion”, you at least deserve a quick listen.

So why not do that here? Because you lovely Metal Robot patrons get to take a look at the new album from 1000 Bone Cylinder Explosion called Bind a day before official release. The project is put together by one man named Peter Hraur of Lör, another name so cool that I’m not even going to bother abreviating it to one of the names throughout the rest of this piece.

According to the promotional material, this new project of Peter Hraur of Lör’s not only sees him expanding his creative comfort zone by taking his ADHD brain up to 69, but also “let down the drawbridge to his mind and allowed fans to witness the madness within.”

Well that sounds like a lot of fun. And Peter Hraur of Lör isn’t alone here, as this is technically not a solo project, or as the answer to the question “Is this a multi-person project” is best put: “Well yes, but actually no.” He’s also got a guest spot reserved for Greg Bogart, who I must give major props for coming on this feat of madness!

So go check out the album below, and enjoy the absolute madness incarnate!

Check out 1000 Bone Cylinder Explosion!

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