SunfyreTV - How a Twitch Drummer went VIRAL on TikTok | MRP #026

The Metal Robot Podcast (2022-05-07) WE’RE BACK! Scattered Hamlet continuing from the last episode. I also sit down with Twitch drumming superstar Sunfyre TV about her recent rise to Twitch fame and so much more. We also have news of the week to follow but coming up in a few short moments we’ll get into that new Ibaraki album and many others.


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  • Written & Directed by: Tom McKay

  • Edited by: Tom McKay

  • Edited with: Audition CC 2022

  • Original Music by: Tom McKay

DISCLAIMER: Copyright Exceptions under the Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42), allowance is made for "fair dealing" for the purposes of criticism or review.


Metal Robot Reviews