Best Female Fronted Metal Bands (w/ Collin Sterling) | MRP #014

The Metal Robot Podcast (2021-06-26) In this brand new episode of MRP, I sit down with Collin Sterling of Thrashers Paradise to talk about our favourite female fronted metal bands and why they're awesome. I also get a couple of reviews done from May 28th releases, and we ask the question "What is the best 'so bad it's good' music video?"


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Check out Collin Sterling!



  • Written & Directed by: Tom McKay

  • Edited by: Tom McKay

  • Edited with: Premiere Pro CC

  • Original Music by: Tom McKay

DISCLAIMER: Copyright Exceptions under the Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42), allowance is made for "fair dealing" for the purposes of criticism or review.


Metal Robot Reviews