Sleeping Village Records to release Caravan of Doom


Sleeping Village Record’s inaugural release is a compilation of 10 previously released underground stoner doom tracks, curated--as always--by a highfalutin peasantry. Sleeping Village Caravan of Doom (Vol. 1) is an exhibition of like-minded tracks that balance sludgy heft with an earthy stoner atmosphere. These are songs that would feel at home in the midst of a bog or mire, and they’ve brought them together, drenched in murk and algae, for your gloomy enjoyment.

Rather than simply throwing as many artists as possible into the doomy stew, this compilation seeks to bring together and showcase 10 uniquely stellar bands that compliment each other sonically and aesthetically. While the runtime clocks in at a hefty hour and a half, the roster remains slim so that each band has appropriate time to shine.

Sleeping Village Caravan of Doom (Vol. 1) will be released digitally and available for NYOP on October 2nd, with a preorder currently live for the measly sum of $1. All proceeds from this project will be split evenly between the bands and the label, with any of the Sleeping Village’s cut going to fund further compilations (or a possible physical release!)

Check out the tracklist below, with links to each band’s bandcamp pages for you to discover on your own accord.



  1. Fostermother - Destroyers

  2. Dizygote - Children of Talos 

  3. Doomfall - Why Fear the Godless

  4. earthdiver - Blood Moon 

  5. Green Hog Band - Machine

  6. Old Horn Tooth - Old Horn Tooth

  7. Stonus - Mania 

  8. Jointhugger - I Am No One 

  9. Black Road - Radiation 

  10. Bog Wizard - Swamp Golem

Check out Sleeping Village!

About Sleeping Village Records:

SVR is a product of Sleeping Village Reviews, a metal review website birthed in the dregs of Instagram and subsequently dragged, by the graces of a gracious readership, to firm ground. Dedicated to providing thoughtful reviews of underground music that is heavy, gloomy...and loud enough to wake us from slumber, the Sleeping Village is tended by a certain highfalutin peasantry. For reviews, interviews, premieres, and other assorted pieces of writing, please visit the Village here. To listen to and purchase music, visit their bandcamp.

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